
Swahili - /k-weh-lee/

(adj) True, Truthful, Genuine

Kweli Consulting provides transformational, insightful, and customized fundraising, management, and strategy consultation services.

Our goal is to not only produce transformative results but also enable the organization to sustain and grow into the future.

We’re here to help you thrive

After years of personal and professional experience, Ruth Githumbi founded Kweli Consulting to help organizations build transformative fundraising strategies that will ensure they have the resources they need to thrive.

Transformation Starts Here

Fundraising Consulting

We can help you identify new opportunities, develop innovative fundraising approaches, and navigate complex challenges.


From prospect identification to grant award reporting, we can help build an organized, effective grants portfolio.

Strategic Planning

Assess your current strengths and create a roadmap for the future with our guided planning process.

Board Development

We equip board members to become dynamic teams of fundraisers and mission ambassadors.